3 friends from India and Pakistan want to fly in a paragliding tandem 🪂 safely, in Barcelona.

⬅️ Read the review of Fly with Xirli in TripAdvisor.  Reviewed June 3, 2021. FIRST AERIAL ACTIVITY!

The best way to fly safely and with personalized service is to contact FLY WITH XIRLI

From the first moment we are together, I have noticed that my passengers are a very fun group of friends. My passengers have created an atmosphere very cheerful and eager to enjoy.

I pick them up in the morning in Barcelona, and we go to Berga.

When we arrived in Berga, we went up to the takeoff, which is located at the top of the mountain. There we found our pilots, waiting for us to prepare for the flight.

My pilots are the best for their experience and the careful treatment they give to customers. We wait a few minutes for the conditions to take off are optimal. The flight team is ready to fly.


Sarika, Sundus, and Masab really want to fly and get to know the mountains in Barcelona. Passengers receive basic instructions to take off and go out to fly.

They take off simultaneously with three pilots. They fly together. Their paragliders fly in parallel, so that, they enjoy doing the same flight at the same time.

This is so cool!

Fly like birds, in a smooth and fun flight. With a lot of height under your feet and with my pilots taking care of them every minute of the flight.

Once we have landed, we have continued with our plan.

 We stopped for a quick bite at a bar, not wasting much time, because then we will hike to the top of a mountain.

And it is that not only want to fly, they also want to walk through the mountains of the environment.

My passengers are studying at the University of Barcelona. They have taken a day off to recharge their energy. They have flown in paragliding and have made a hike near Barcelona.

These photos summarize the special day that we have shared together.

Thanks for everything. Now I have new friends.

I hope we will see each other again in the future.

See you!